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An image of a Tulip



An image of The internet

What is the internet?

The internet is a global computer that provides the world with information, communication and entertainment.

How does the internet work?

The internet is made up of lot's of diffenert networks such as LAN (local area network, this network spans in a relatively small area), WAN (world area network, this network spans in a larger area) and WWW (world wide web, This is the foundation of the web.) It also includes packages which are messages that are split up into small pieces, If one or more of these peices go missing your message will be unreadable.This also applies to videos, if one or more of these packages go missing then your video will glitch or take a while to load.

What are some acronyms?

    1. http- hyper text transfer protocal 2. html- hyper text markup language 3. css- cascading style sheet.